Remember when…

Remember when I created a quiz to see how well you knew me?  Turns out not a whole lot of you did, but I loved that you all tried.

Remember when I got hate mail from someone who thought my blog was self-centered?  It took him three hours to figure that all out.  Friggin’ idiot.

Remember when I created my very own poem to wish you folks a good holiday?  That was one of my favorite posts because it was one of my most sincere efforts on this blog and I really enjoyed writing it.

Remember when I posted 5 burning questions for my male readers?  I got the biggest response from that post, a record-breaking 36 comments according to haloscan.  Remember haloscan?  Man, I hate them, they didn’t keep any of your comments.  I have the email notifications of them, but not the actual site/link whatchamacallit.  Bastards.

Remember my first blogmeet and the ones that followed?  Seemed a long time ago.

Remember when Jay left and Jack took down his blog and Gooch went into hibernation?  Remember Fleece?  Well, I’m afraid it’s my turn to say goodbye.  Like Jay, I’m too narcissistic to take down my blog entirely.  I thought I’d leave it up for posterity’s sake or if any of you feel like taking a stroll down memory lane.

This blog has run its course and it was a good run, I thought.  I have 590 published posts, thousands of comments, twenty-nine blog categories, thirteen people on my blogroll and zero regrets.

I’ll still be around to read and comment on your blogs if you have one.  For those who don’t, you have my email or phone number, so don’t be a stranger.  And who knows?  I may still meet some of you someday (that means you, Inanna, Jammie J and Michael).  For those I’ve already met, I hope our paths meet again.

Well, folks, I think that about does it.  I’m terrible at goodbyes, so instead I’ll just say thank you for all the memories.

~ by Binibining Beth on May 27, 2009.

10 Responses to “Remember when…”

  1. Ack! This is not good news… was it something I said? Was it about your hair? I didn’t mean it, really I didn’t!

    Can I keep your phone number? Will you still text message me?

    Oh dear. I’m feeling so bereft.

  2. Jammie J – I sent you an email, but I think I sent it to your old one. Sorry! And don’t worry, it wasn’t anything you said. Like you could ever offend me.

  3. Who the hell are Jay, Jack and Gooch?
    Oh, you mean those pussies with no stamina?

    Yeah, I’ve slowed down a lot lately, too, but I’m just waiting for my second wind. If I promise to be more diligent and post and comment regularly, will you come back?

  4. Was it the chad?

  5. now i’m bummed

  6. Just saying howdy.

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